I pulled the cab off again. I figured it would be easier to work on the crossmember and to install the insulator between the trans and the cab.
I had to notch the crossmember in order to get the transmission to sit properly on it. I just cut a square in it to get it to fit. Will weld it up later. I didn't get any pictures of the notch. Just got busy notching and forgot about photos.
After I got the notch made and the crossmember fitted, I installed the headers.
While I was there, I installed the clutch master cylinder and line. You can also see in this photo the forward (technically middle) location of the shifter.
I put the cab back on with new bushings. I cleaned-up and installed the steering shaft, cowl seal, and windshield wipers.
A shot of the shifter insulator. This provides some heat and noise protection from the shifter hole. Shifter mocked-up.